Tuesday, May 30, 2006


12 days in ICU can make for a very aggitated person. Eric was known for pulling out his tubes. On the 2nd or 3rd night he decided he didn't want his ventilator anymore, so he pulled it out. I'm sure it hurt but Eric just wanted it out. Several times he pulled the feeding tube out. One of the last nights he was in ICU he pulled his feeding tube, IV and was working on the drain on his head. Since he pulled on the drain some of it tore, which meant they had to pull the drain period.

By the second week, he had had so much morphine that he was sort of going crazy. You never knew what was going to come out of his mouth. One time he yelled for his nurse, Rita, and the whole ICU heard him. He had my mom convinced that the tv was on when it was not. He told his parents that he was in a hospital over seas. We came in one time and he had a towel rapped around his hand and said that they were shooting at him. Him being on morphine was probably one of the scariest things I had seen. I just couldn't find Eric.

He is doing good today. He is scheduled to have the arteriogram tomorrow sometime. He seems to be sleeping a little more. Physical Therapy comes every day. Today they put him in a wheel chair to take a spin. He enjoyed getting out of the hospital room.

Life is funny with its curve balls! I never thought in my life I would be dealing with this, especially at 32. But God can handle anything. We have had our blessings. Like the blessing that I was still home when this happened. The blessing that our friends have pulled together and helped us in so many ways. We got a new bathroom out of it. Eric had kicked in the wall and some friends got together to not only finance the repairs but also to redo. So God is good!


Anonymous said...

Eric looked great when I was there yesterday. Continuing to believe
for a miracle. Love you all much!

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping you guys in my prayers. Know that God is your DOCTOR. And that he works miracles........ Love Sonja

Anonymous said...

Eric & Jen - I have put your family on numerous prayer lists. God is a God of healing and restoration. I am praying for a quick and full recovery. Know that your family is in my prayers.
