Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 4th

With help from the Occupational Therapist, Eric was able to get real clothes on today. They also got him up once, but it was too painful and they put him back in bed. He was in so much pain because of his left leg having a blod clot.

Tomorrow he starts physical therapy and everything else. They call it "boot camp". Please pray for Eric's pain and tolerance. Also, pray that Eric will have patience.

He was also moving his right hand and foot more than he has today. We are believing God for 100% healing.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, you guys are in our prayers daily and we are agreeing with you for 100% healing! Let me know if you need anything! Tonya

Stephanie said...

Jennifer -

I am glad to hear that Eric is making great progress. You, Eric, and Christopher have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since I found out. Just know that there are a lot of people from Midland who ask me everyday if I have any news. Just know that we are all praying and if you need anything at all please let us know.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you daily. Trusting in the love and faithfulness of God to bring you out completely victorious.

Karen, praying that God will strengthen you and encourage you and your family. Take care. Sending lots of love your way.

Anonymous said...
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