Monday, August 07, 2006

August 8th

Last week we saw two doctors. On Monday, we saw the Physical therapist doctor who told us that we needed to do 4-6 more weeks of physical therapy. On Tuesday, we meet with the doctor that will be doing the gamma knife. This one was a little frustrating. She came totally unprepared in my opinion. She hadn't looked at our scans so didn't know what she was looking at. Then she couldn't work the computer. She said she would have to take the scans to her meeting next Tuesday (if she were prepared she could have taken it to her meeting that morning). Then we would have to meet with the Neuro surgeon for that hospital, hopefully he can redeem the place. Then we would have to plan a time that all doctors could get together and do the gamma knife. So we were a little frustrated that this isn't going to be sooner than next week.

This week we meet with the Dr. at OU med for the blood disorder.

Pray also for us for this week. Grammy and Grandaddy are leaving Saturday. They have become so much of our lives here that it's hard to think of them not being here. The good think though is that Grandma comes on Monday. So we won't be alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You guys are in our prayers daily. Thanks for keeping up informed.