Friday, June 02, 2006

Not a Stroke

Well we have seen the doctor several times since Wednesday. They have determined that Eric did not have a stroke. He had a brain bleed. The difference? A stroke would leave perminent damage, whereas a brain bleed may not leave perminent damage on the brain. The doctor said that after the "bruise" goes down, everything else will be back to normal. They also determined that what Eric has is called an arterial venous fistula. It is where a vessel is weakened and opens or tears and then bleeds. His is the artery that carries oxygen to the brain and goes right down the center of the brain. It is very rare. The doctor said that he may see one in his life time. He said there is only one study on it and it was from 1990-2000. Out of thousands of brain bleeds, this form was only present 9 times. So he is sending the pictures out to another medical place to have them analyze it. He said that they will do an arteriogram 2 weeks from now to see if the blood has moved. If the blood has moved and they can get clearer pictures, they will put a coil in there to stop it from bleeding again. In the mean time, we will be transferred to 3rd floor at Baptist for rehab.

Eric should have moved tonite, but then he had to have an ultrasound done on his left leg to look for a blood clot. He was complaining of pain in his calf and when we looked, his calf and foot was swollen. He was in a lot of pain today. They think he could have a blood clot in his left leg or a charlie horse. He can't get up and take care of a charlie horse, so he just has to sit and take constant pain for hours. We should be able to move tomorrow.

Please pray for a boy who is at Baptist ICU. He is 19 and they think he has a brain tumor. He is going through some of the same things we went through. I met his grandma yesterday and have been praying with her. His name is Kyle Spears.

The thought for the day: Never take things for granted. I know everybody says that, but take it from someone who has been there. Make sure the people around you know that you care for them and appreciate them. I have learned to appreciate the sweet hugs my 2 year old gives even though some days I don't even get to see him. I also appreciate the smiles my husband gives. There was a time in ICU that my husband couldn't smile at me because he was so much on morphine or he was in Lebanon. (Seriously, one day he thought he was in Lebanon). I know this thought is morbid, but one day they could be gone. I haven't had a hug from my husband in 3 weeks. When is the last time that you hugged your spouse or kids and really hugged them?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

May 31st

Today we had our arteriogram (also known as an angiogram). We haven't seen the doctor to get a report. It wore Eric out and made him sore. He took pain meds almost all day. So we are still waiting. That seems to be our story right now. Wait! A funny thing happens though when you wait. You also become still and that is when God speaks. It may not be a loud do this, but he speaks. It's in those quiet moments that you know God is near and he is giving you strength to last each minute of each day.

It's times like this that you start to realize the truth in things that people say. Like this saying, "Be still and know that He is God." WHAT?" When we are still and quiet and not trying to fix things, we find that God is really there all along, we just get too busy to hear Him.

Continue to pray clarity for the Doctors who look at the test information. Also, declare life into Eric's right side. I know that Eric will rise again and walk. Thank you for all your support.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


12 days in ICU can make for a very aggitated person. Eric was known for pulling out his tubes. On the 2nd or 3rd night he decided he didn't want his ventilator anymore, so he pulled it out. I'm sure it hurt but Eric just wanted it out. Several times he pulled the feeding tube out. One of the last nights he was in ICU he pulled his feeding tube, IV and was working on the drain on his head. Since he pulled on the drain some of it tore, which meant they had to pull the drain period.

By the second week, he had had so much morphine that he was sort of going crazy. You never knew what was going to come out of his mouth. One time he yelled for his nurse, Rita, and the whole ICU heard him. He had my mom convinced that the tv was on when it was not. He told his parents that he was in a hospital over seas. We came in one time and he had a towel rapped around his hand and said that they were shooting at him. Him being on morphine was probably one of the scariest things I had seen. I just couldn't find Eric.

He is doing good today. He is scheduled to have the arteriogram tomorrow sometime. He seems to be sleeping a little more. Physical Therapy comes every day. Today they put him in a wheel chair to take a spin. He enjoyed getting out of the hospital room.

Life is funny with its curve balls! I never thought in my life I would be dealing with this, especially at 32. But God can handle anything. We have had our blessings. Like the blessing that I was still home when this happened. The blessing that our friends have pulled together and helped us in so many ways. We got a new bathroom out of it. Eric had kicked in the wall and some friends got together to not only finance the repairs but also to redo. So God is good!

Eric's Stroke

It was 7:30 on Monday, May 15th. Eric called for me from the bathroom. He said he thought he was having a stroke. I questioned him and thought there must be another reason why the right side of his body went numb. We called 911 and went to the hospital. Eric spent 12 days in the ICU at Southwest. We then were transferred to Baptist hospital. We are scheduled to have an arteriogram today or Wednesday.

While Eric was in the ER, I called family and had them come in. Susan, Martin, Bethany and Shane flew in from Alabama. Mom drove down from Missouri. Word spread quickly among church and friends and before I knew it we had support from all over the country. Uncle Roy and Sylvia came in also. Several people came to the ER to give me support. The pastors at Destiny all showed up and were with me for a while. The chaplain at the hospital seemed to follow me. I wanted to tell him that I had my support in the waiting room.

I will have to write more later about our experience in ICU. But for now I have to say, God is good. It may not seem like it when you are going through things but be patient and trust in God. I thought I was completely weak and could not go through another day, but we made it through. When people would say this to me, I would think "It is easy for you to say, you're not going through it." I have been there. I know what it is like to think you will not make it. It's during those times that God carries you through. He will give you strength. You may not see the strength until the other side, but it really is there.