Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th

Yes, it has been a whole month since I have written. Things have gotten really busy at work. We are re-decorating the children's area and guess who is in charge of it all. ME! I really didn't think I could do it, but I guess I can. The hardest part was picking out colors. The new curriculum we purchased for Elementary came with design ideas and transparencies to help with the drawing. Big City Studio is the name of the curriculum. So all I needed to do was pick a color. How hard can that be. Well I stressed over it. I decided on yellow for the walls. Then I painted the back wall black and the stage black. It really turned out looking good. The best part is....the Pastors said it looked good also. I have to have it completed by October 1st. The Masters team will help me when they get in also. It's fun now that I got the first step over with.

Our church is going through a lot of changes right now mainly in the children's area. So I have really been stressing about it since that is my area. It will be good changes, it's just stretching me some. I will write more about that in October after they are official.

Well, I haven't really written much about me in these blogs, due to that there was so much going on with Eric. Eric wants to start writing in it so I will write this last blog and then it will be Eric writing. I tell you the praise report and then I will write some about what I have been going through. The praise report is that the doctor that was supposed to do the gamma knife on Eric had him repeat a CAT scan and a MRI so they could have current pictures. When they got the pictures back, she and some other doctors at St. Anthony's looked at it and say "I can't find it". The expert doctors can not find the fistula. They say that some fistulas when they burst take care of themselves but we know what really happened! I still ask the question "Why". I don't know and I will probably never know. I have learned that I need to stay away from the Why questions and the what ifs. They are very dangerous.

Now on to me. I really thought that when Eric got out of the hospital, I would be jumping for joy because he was alive and got to come home. Something else hit me from out of no where....depression. For some reason, I became more sad than I was happy. I was angry at life and I must admit I was angry at God. No not me, I'm on a church staff. It happens! Yes it can happen to any of us, when we are weak and tired and the fight is out of us. The funny thing is, just admiting it to God and to myself started a healing process in my heart. I pray everyday now that God will heal my heart and stop the questions of why. I don't know why bad things happen to us. I am learning that for one what you let your mind think is so very important. It only takes one thought to start you off the path. And I am also learning that God doesn't get upset when we tell him things like "I'm mad at you". It's like he is just waiting for our moods to change or something. I have also learned that there are times when you just have to persevere. To persevere is probably one of the hardest things to do. The definition is to persist steadily in an action or belief usually over a long period and especially despite problems or difficulties. Doesn't sound fun! But God still says that we need to do that sometimes to get to the good stuff. (Hebrews 10:36)

So thanks for listening. Thanks for praying!

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