Friday, September 15, 2006

Thank You!

We really want to say Thank You to everyone who came to visit, made contributions, sent cards or lifted our families up in pray during this difficult time in our lives. Everyone who came into my room while I was still in the hospital would always comment about all the cards taped to the window. I actually had someone tell me you could see all my cards from the parking lot, and that's how they knew we where still there. I have told several people you always know your family loves you, but it really sinks in when you have something major happen in your life like this. To think my parents dropped there lives for three months to make sure every need I had was met, and I just don't mean my parents Jennifer's parents where right there beside mine.
Words can never express the gratitude in my heart. God is amazing! The word amazing does no justice for my God. My doctor's and therapist continually would comment about the support structure which is in my life. They attributed my rapid progress to the support I have.
The biggest supporter I have in my life next to God is my wife, Jennifer. God has blessed me with an incredible life partner. She has had the most amazing strength. She will be the first to admit her strength was not her own. God will give us the anointing for everything we encounter. However He is a gentleman and will not force himself on us. We have to chose to run to Him and accept this anointing. Jennifer not only ran to God she jumped in His arms. She told me the other day she really felt like the only footprints in the sand belonged to Jesus through this entire process.

Well at this point I feel like I am beginning to ramble. However I really want express our Thanks to everyone who has been there with us through this entire process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have just read this last message today. I should have read it before now but I just hadn't. It makes me tear up cause I miss you guys so much. I just want you two to know how much you mean to me. You are fantastic. You and your whole family well families I guess I should say. I learned so much from the two of you and your families watching you through all of this. Thank you so much. It was things that was already there but I guess I either didn't pay attention or they were just magnified for me during all of this. So I want to say thank you. Thank you for teaching me so much. I can't express enough how much you guy mean to me. Love you and miss you terribly. I have to go now b/c I am beginning to tear-up and I'm at work so we can't have any of that. Love you whole bunches,